Business Loans

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What is a Business Loan and how does it work?

Business loans aid cash flow, enabling companies to continue trading in adverse business climates, at a cost that is comfortable for the business to factor into their monthly accounts. Sums of money to borrow along with a charge from the lender, defined by a rate of interest, are then broken down into affordable monthly repayments over an agreed timescale.

Who are Business Loans aimed at?

Any firm can apply for a business loan, no matter how big or how small, although some providers will only lend to limited companies.

When should you use a Business Loan?

The wide range of business loans ensures options can be tailored to individual company circumstances. Startup loans for brand new ventures, “peer to peer’ lending for those who wish to borrow from people rather than banks, business overdrafts or credit cards and finance across short, medium and long terms are just a few examples of the scope of lending available.

Where can you get a Business Loan?

Business loans are provided by most banks and financial institutions who offer business related services, as well as finance being offer by individuals within “peer to peer” lending circles.

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